Pubic Symphysis pain is rather common amongst pregnant women – and very painful! The Pubic Symphysis is a joint between the pubic bones of your pelvis.
This joint has strong ligaments around it to hold it steady when you move. BUT in pregnancy, there is a rush of hormones including relaxin, that softens ligaments and muscles so the pelvic joints can be more flexible to allow for birth.
If there is excessive movement or other factors like lack of muscle tone, an extra high dose of relaxin during pregnancy, high weight gain, or poor posture, this can cause a bit too much rubbing at the pubic symphysis. The joint can become irritated, and painful when walking, rolling, twisting, getting out of a chair or traversing stairs. It is also often uncomfortable to move your legs apart.

Here are some tips to help you manage with this uncomfo
rtable condition:
1. Pretend you are wearing a mini skirt and keep your legs together as much as possible when you move. This includes getting in and out of the car or bed. This reduces strain on the ligaments around your pubic symphysis joint.
2. When rolling in bed, try log rolling so your shoulders, hips and knees move as one unit rather than twisting. It can also be helpful to squeeze a pillow between your knees or blow out through pursed lips when you roll. This engages your core muscles which can provide extra support to your pelvis.
3. Take smaller steps when you are walking rather than large strides. This reduces the large amount of friction and sheering forces as one side of the joint rubs against the other.