What are Growing Pains and does your son or daughter have them?

by | Jul 14, 2016

One of our key patient groups we look after in our practice is active adolescents – we love helping your kids or grandkids get back to their sport or favourite activity. The problems that this patient group have are different to those of adults and often the term “growing pains” is used to describe the pain that these patients have. What exactly are ‘growing pains’ and what should you, as a parent, carer or grandparent, do about them?

A good physio knows there are a handful of specific problems that affect the growing athlete. In a nutshell, these are caused by the interaction of growing and sport or activity – you don’t see these problems in sedentary adolescents. Some of these problems are self-limiting which means with physiotherapy and the right advice the problem will resolve. Good examples of this are Sever’s disease (affecting the heel) and Osgood Schlatter’s disease (affecting the knee). There are a couple of serious problems like osteonecrosis (dying of the growing bone) which mean strict rest from sport with crutches for 6 weeks.

There are also a number of problems which relate to muscle development and posture in the growing body. Posture and muscle re-training are often part of the recovery for young athletes. In these patients a joint may be sore because it is being used or loaded in the incorrect way and with the right remedial exercises and advice we can restore normal movement and use of that joint. Just like picking up your car after a major service, things feel better after a good ‘tune up’.

In summary, don’t ignore your kids or grandkids if they are complaining they are sore during or after sport – please come in and see us! Call Mary or Rachelle at our front desk on 6056 6616 – we have before or after school appointment times to help you get your son, daughter or grandchild in to see one of our experienced physiotherapists.

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