What’s Happening at Personal Best in August?

by | Aug 20, 2019

Rob has returned to work after a three week adventure hiking and paragliding in Tajikistan! If you are a patient of Rob’s and need to book in an appointment for a new or existing problem, please call Mary at our front desk on 6056 6616 and she will help you find a time to come in and see him.

Nathan hosted the final seminars in his GP Education Series, in conjunction with the radiologists from I-Med.  The last topic was Ankle Pain and we hosted this event on two separate nights to allow doctors to attend.  We had excellent attendance at these 2 evenings and got some lovely feedback from local doctors about the content and professionalism of these events.  As always, the focus is on getting the correct diagnosis early to fast-track your recovery.

Our last two Shoulder Pain and Rotator Cuff Workshops have been FULL and people continue to call our clinic asking when the next shoulder workshop will be.  We will be continuing to host our Shoulder Workshop regularly – if you want to know the next date call me at our front desk on 6056 6616 and I will let you know.


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