Often as we go through life, we know that the way our bladder functions can change. Some people may need to get up through the night more often to go to the toilet. Some may now have to wear a pad to be able to play tennis or golf. Or others may find they are becoming pre-occupied with where all the toilets are whenever going out. A “just-in-case” wee can start being a matter of routine.
Unfortunately, it can be hard to know what we should expect because we don’t generally talk about what is a normal, healthy bladder. I find many of my patients considering it a normal part of ageing to have to do any of the above, and never think about seeing someone who can help.
Women’s Health Physiotherapist are specially trained to assess and treat bladder related problems in women. But let’s first work out what actually is a sign of a healthy bladder.
A healthy adult bladder:
- Passes urine 6-8 times in a day (this is about every 3-4 hours)
- May wake you up once overnight to pass urine or twice if you are over 60
- Can hold around 300-400ml, and doesn’t require you to have smaller 150-200ml urinations
- Tells you when it is full and gives you plenty of time to find a toilet
- Empties completely each time you pass urine
- Does not leak
How do you feel when you read this? Perhaps this surprises you? Maybe you realise for the first time that your bladder does not always behave healthily. If so, then perhaps it is time to get some help with Natasha, our Women’s Health Physiotherapist.
Call Mary on 6056 6616 to book an appointment.
Remember that the earlier you seek help, the easier and quicker the solution generally is.