Menopause is a time of great transition for women around the 50 year old plus mark. As ovarian function ceases, women have a reduced amount of oestrogen in their bodies. This can lead to various changes around the body, including the bladder, vagina, and vulva.
Many women will begin to experience:
- Urinary leakage while coughing, sneezing or doing their favourite activity such as tennis or gardening
- Urinary urgency with a sudden, overwhelming need to get to the toilet
- Needing to get up more frequently (2 or more times) at night to go to the toilet
- Painful sex due to vaginal dryness or tissue fragility
- Little tears causing pain when passing urine
Please be assured that even though these symptoms are common they are certainly not normal.
Thankfully the body is remarkably resilient, and in most cases, much can be done to improve these problems.
Treatments are tailored to the individual, but commonly involve:
- Screening for possible infections that may be impacting on symptoms
- Assessing any menopause related changes to the vulva and vagina, and discussing whether oestrogen cream or pessaries might be helpful
- Teaching strategies for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles
- Discussing safe vaginal lubricants or moisturisers
- Bladder retraining strategies to teach the bladder not to be so overactive
If you have noticed changes to bladder function or pelvic floor pain, please don’t suffer in silence. Book in today to see Natasha, our Women’s Health Physiotherapist.